
BY: CLAIRE KIM Cultural appropriation is always a no-no in our world. Degrading one's culture for entertainment or market is incredibly rude towards an entire population that appreciates their cultural values. In the past years, we have seen several controversies regarding such offense. From non-black celebrities pulling off dreads as a "hip-hop style" to Muslim… Continue reading Kim-Oh-No

The “Cautious” Generation

BY: CLAIRE KIM With skyrocketing suicide rates along with high consumption of nicotine (through vaping), 21st teenagers are clearly forecasting a "depressed" mindset at this point in their lives. College is becoming more competitive to get into and expectations for a brighter future are subsiding as teens grow older and helpless. Though it may seem… Continue reading The “Cautious” Generation

Planned Parenthood + Politics

BY: CLAIRE KIM On June 22, 2019, Planned Parenthood Action Fund will be interviewing several presidential nominees for the Democratic Party through an in-depth discussion of abortion and women's health rights. Because abortion has been one of the most critical issues this past year, many agree that this controversial topic should be a fixed element… Continue reading Planned Parenthood + Politics

Phones to Disk Degeneration?

BY: CLAIRE KIM To the older generation, phones may seem like a troublesome distraction that minimizes critical thinking skills and face-to-face interactions. What used to be a tech-free world, is now completely the opposite with companies constantly on the run to make the most innovative devices possible. From phones to computers, to drones to wireless… Continue reading Phones to Disk Degeneration?

To Vaccine or Not To Vaccine?

BY: CLAIRE KIM Almost everyone in the United States gets a flu-shot around mid-September in hopes of protecting their bodies from potential disease. Sore throat, terrible cough, congested nose, or even dizziness are all aspects of a cold that can really damage one's mental and physical state. Even under-diagnosed medication, patients are still left dealing… Continue reading To Vaccine or Not To Vaccine?

The Fire Alarm of Mental Health

BY: CLAIRE KIM Mental health has often been overlooked as a legitimate health issue in contrast to medical problems such as cancer, heart disease, or even physical therapy. Versatile in nature, the mind -- more specifically the brain -- is a tough organ to really understand and diagnose because of its complexity and uniqueness. Triggered… Continue reading The Fire Alarm of Mental Health